Homemade Lip Balm!

Hey lovelies, this post is going to be about making my own lip balm for the first time, and why. Only took 3 ingredients, plus 2 essential oils for flavor and smell!

First off, most people think lip balm and ChapStick are the same thing. ChapStick is a name brand. I’ve been addicted to one kind–Medicated–this brand makes for about 12 years now. Twelve, guys. Unfortunately,  lip balms and ChapStick have harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, phenol, menthol and salicylic acid. Which only irritate your lips and cause the habit of using them so much to form and stay. The last three things can actually makes your lips dry out! That means the ingredients in the balms are the reason why you need to use it so often.

chapstickLook at these ingredients. there is no need for just about all of them. Not all are toxic, but just plain unnecessary and still bad for your body.

I’ve been dealing with this love-hate relationship with my classic, medicated ChapStick for too long. I take the damn thing everywhere with me and ran through them so fast. I have backups in purses and my Dad keeps a few in his room for me (it’s sweet he buys them for me, but it’s a terrible habit to support). When I was in school, if I lost it or somehow managed to forget it at home or in a classroom, I’d go mad. I’d frantically search for it. I’d borrow friends balms and lip gloss, even though I hated lip gloss and using other people’s beauty products. 


If you’ve seen the movie Napoleon Dynamite you know about how he called home for his brother to bring him his ChapStick to school because he left it behind. I swear to God that I did it before and after the movie came out with my mom, desperate to have the feel of that specific crap on my lips. It definitely came something I depended on not to just  “moisturize” my lips, but to calm down my anxiety and stress levels.

I’d put it on right before eating, during my meals. Take it with me down to the kitchen while I was cooking. Just always had to have one on my person or within reach. It’s been quite sad, annoying, and stupid.

Anyway, so after years of wanting to do this I finally purchased the ingredients (all on Amazon) and made my own, all natural, few ingredient, free of chemicals lip balm.

♥ 1 tbsp of Better Shea Butter’s Unrefined Shea Butter 
♥ 1 tbsp of Mary Tylors Naturals organic Beeswax
♥ 1 tbsp of Carrington Farms Coconut oil 
♥ Around 10 drops of both Vanilla and Sweet Orange essential oils.

Step One:
With a double broiler or a pot of hot water and a bowl on top to melt together the beeswax, Shea butter, and Coconut oil.

Step Two:
Once everything is melted, turn off the heat and add in drops essential oil.
You don’t have to add any for flavor or scent if you don’t want to. If you do, add as little or as much as you want. I added about 10 drops of each. Though I’m wishing I added a bit more Sweet Orange, because it smells so damn good. But now I know better for next time. I’ll also add in drops of Vitamin E with my next batch!


Step Three:

Use an eyedropper or pipette to fill your containers–tubes like I used, also bought on Amazon, or pot jars that can be washed and reused over and over again. The liquid will cool and become solid. Don’t worry, all you have to do is add it back onto the heat to liquefy it again. The recipe I used filled 8 lip balm containers.


After everything is in the tubes, leave it to cool and melt. You can stick them in a fridge if you like. I left them to sit on the table for a bit while I did a quick workout and ate breakfast.But once they’ve cooled and become solid, enjoy!


The extras you can save because they will last for some quite time or you can give a few out to some friends like I will. Maybe in the future when I’ve perfected adding in essential oils, I can sell them and give them away on the blog here!

Comment and let me know what you think. Have you guys tried making your own lip balms or other beauty products? Or no any simple recipes?
–xoxo, Chelsea

                                               Munchkin and Ryleigh checking out my lip balms
                          (Fun Fact: Ryleigh used to eat my ChapStick if I dropped it on the floor)

P.S. I’ll be making more beauty products in the future (lotions, shampoo, other balms with other scents and coloring, mascara, eyeliner, body spray, and shaving cream) so keep an eye on our blog for the recipe included posts!

3 Comments Add yours

  1. queencitypetite says:

    I love this idea!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. You should give it a shot if you have the ingredients !


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